Friday, August 30, 2013


entrepreneurial young
hard work  
creativity spun
merchandise heavy
rock and roll steady
don't be discouraged
your dream 
will only flourish
keep at it 
combat the fatigue
those stones will be 
no greed

Monday, August 12, 2013


it's a celebration
i raise my glass
with the infatuation
of smiles and laughter

good times 
blown away times 
mind lusting times

i raise my glass 
to this moment
the enjoyment
the celebration of it all
hoping to remember all

Friday, August 9, 2013

cupcakes 1.0

pretty with every bite
i gorge on my sweet tooth
luscious to the tongue
my dessert emotions rung
perfect sized morsels
my taste buds clung

Monday, August 5, 2013

i play for the masses

things learned
in the classes
playing for masses
the music fades

tips for survival
hearing pleasure

this humbled deed
i stumble to feed
i play my guitar 
to keep my car

i need this to work
the generosity 

i play for the masses
i play to convert
my life covert

i play for the masses
this lifestyle 
i assert

i play for the masses